After his mother's death, Collin Fenwick goes to live with his father's cousins, the wealthy, avaricious, and controlling Verena Talbo, and her compliant, earthy sister Dolly. When a city slicker comes to town and convinces Verena to market Dolly's locally-famous tonic, Dolly finally gets some backbone, refuses to divulge the formula, and heads for a tree house with Collin and Catherine, the loyal maid. Verena, who has most of the town in her pocket, sics the law on the renegades. Dolly, Catherine, and Collin find a supporter in a retired judge, Charlie Cool, who's attracted to Dolly. Will Verena's venom win out And what about that city slicker
5.0更新至01集靳东 于和伟 吴磊 倪妮 丁勇岱 佟瑞欣 颜丙燕 胡军 谭凯 曹磊 刘之冰 成泰燊 刘琳 李雪健 倪大红 张颂文 杨立新 李健 梁天 英壮 讲述老一辈无产阶级革命家解放大西北、建设大西北的丰功伟绩的故事。
西北岁月国产5.0第05集魏天浩 赵星卉 杜子阳 王义钦 孙彩纶 乐轩 关博 姻缘馆的老板娘赵双双有一双姻缘眼,能看到有缘人的红线,因此成了临安城最有名的红娘,她最大的梦想就是早日配好81对姻缘,然后找到属于自己的幸福。赵双双遇到了因师兄被“恶媒”说亲惨死而发誓破坏天下所有恶媒